Holiday Greetings from LOGO Santa Claus

Greetings from Santa Claus ... a little exercise in Three.js (WebGL) based on a LOGO-like custom syntax. Although this could appear as a voxel designed object it is actually generated via a command sequence parsed using Regular Expressions. For example the head is:


The drawing syntax is based on boxes with height 1 size specified by S command, color by C command, write by the dot "." and a bunch of moving terms. Finally hierarchy is provided via anchors A#, while some spatial memory stores are based on the P(ush) and p(op) commands.

The outline effect is based on the interesting postprocessing pipeline from Three.js examples.

Source Code: github
Website: here

Research wise LOGO in 3D can be found in some examples:
  •  Paliokas, Ioannis, Christos Arapidis, and Michail Mpimpitsos. "PlayLOGO 3D: A 3D interactive video game for early programming education: Let LOGO be a game." Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), 2011 Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2011.
  • Girvan, Carina, Brendan Tangney, and Timothy Savage. "SLurtles: Supporting constructionist learning in second life." Computers & Education 61 (2013): 115-132.


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